I went to Target tonight and I feel like a better person because of it. I don't know what it is about Target, but it's just so much classier and better than Wal-mart. I don't think there are a lot of people that get excited about going to Wal-mart. In fact, I think most people find it to be a drag but it's always the closest store with all the necessities. It's the easiest answer.
However, like I just said, no one really likes Wal Mart all the much. It's always understaffed and I think subconsciously you feel like you are buying lower quality. Plus, Wal mart always seems trashed. There are only a few Wal-Marts I have been in that didn't seem just thrased, with trash strewn through out the aisles and little kids running around screaming and pulling things off the shelf while their parents look on with hopelessness, like they gave up trying to control their kids and keep them behaved and now live in some fantasy world where they are mute to their childrens' scream. Maybe they are pretending for one second that the kids aren't really theirs and imagining they are in a better place, like target.
Target is just classy. You feel like a good person while you are in there. The store is clean and the people that work there seem legitimate. I had a good friend that worked at Wal Mart for a while, and he always laughed when he mentioned where he worked. We all felt it was some kind of joke. And it kind of was... just like how my first job was a being a janitor. Plus, target is somewhat in tune with current clothing styles. At Wal-mart, you can buy t-shirts with the Halo logo on them... the halo logo... that's all I have to say. Target, you can at least get a decent wardrobe. I am by no means a fashion expert. I still have to run each outfit by my 16 year old sister. FYI, I am 23 years old. But even for someone as fashion and style impaired as myself, I know enough to know that some of the clothes Wal-mart sells should be a crime.
And my final and most compelling argument for Target, it's where all the good looking girls shop. You know how there is that website peopleofwalmart website, Is there one of those for target? Nay, there is not. If they tried to do make a peopleoftarget website, modeling agencies would start sending talent scouts to local target stores. I always said I was going to marry me a target woman, ever since I was in high school. I still plan on it too. My wife is gonna do all the necessity shopping at Target.Now, I know that I am generalizing here and I know there is the argument that you can't beat Wal-mart's prices but when it comes to your self esteem, isn't it worth the extra fifteen cents on laundry detergent? Plus, target has 5 dollar DVDs, just like walmart. I really don't see that big of difference.
Now, I know like I am sounding snobby and overly-ideal here, but I just had to point this out. I don't understand why we don't talk about this stuff more often. I know I am not alone in my opinion. However, even I give in to the easy answer most of the time anyways. Wal-mart has the 24/7 thing going for it, which could contribute to some of it's dirtiness and the feeling of chaos and hopelessness. In the long run though, I want to have a fufilling and comfortable lifestyle, a target lifestyle, with a good looking wife who takes care of our family with target quality products. I want a target life.
A postcard from the lost (but opinionated)