Saturday, January 28, 2012

So my words will never burn.

I've been told I spend too much time trying to not act the part. I have been told I put more effort into making sure I am not a stereotype that I don't have enough left over to become someone. I make sense of it in hours and minutes. I make my odds with chance and fate. And people ask me how I have it so figured out. They can't see that I don't.

Some people get caught up in trying to fit in. I think I have gotten caught up in going against the grain, in securing the fact that I am not those people as so desire not to be. To be true to myself. But it's hard when you spend so much time focusing on what not to be that you forget to be yourself. Maybe the time might be better spent figuring out who I am instead of who I am not.

I often wonder what people's impressions of me are from across a room. I wonder if they mistake my shyness and timid glances for something else. Yes, it's true that I do not like parties filled with people I do not know from strangers. It doesn't mean that I am not open to conversation. I am just not much for small talk. I joke. I laugh, maybe too much and over things that people do not find funny. But I don't care for the fluff. I want to know you, not your technique.

Maybe there isn't any impressions. Maybe I just don't make impressions. I am just a glance over, overlooked and counted out. I deserve it though. I often I am labeling and judging inside my mind and bones. It's sad. It's not right. It's true. In ways, I am no better than the self righteous artist or the beautiful people. I go around judging to justify my own insecurities. It's pathetic. How much I limit my vision due to fear of myself and others. I am more blind than I like to admit or give credit for.

Yet, I still buy into it. I say I don't believe in it but I have bought into it. Apathy is the name of the game. I go around proclaiming the scam that it is and how I don't care for it. You would think if I didn't care I could just leave it alone. I just lie to save face. It really does bother me. I feel like I am being denied my fair chance to show who I really am. The whole system is working against me and limiting me and not letting me thrive. That all I have to offer is being written off as replaceable and mundane. I don't blame them for doing so, but it's all I really have to offer. Maybe I don't posses the intangibles, whatever they decide those are.

Yet, I still fake the apathy. I care though and the insecurities are there. Over the superficial things that we are told not to worry about. About if I wear the right clothes, if I am skinny or fit enough to be around certain types of people. If I am something they want. Yes, some things will always be there in the back of my mind, even if I tell you they are not. I just act like I don't care so I don't show my secrets on my face.

And maybe I will spend more time figuring out who I am rather than who I am not. And then I won't need any approval but my own.

These are mid night thoughts.

3 A.M. ,

Little Lion Man

Friday, January 20, 2012

Dumbed down and numbed by time and age.

You know, sometimes I get sick of everyone and mostly myself talking about love. Some days I want to say that love is all the matters, others I want to scream out it's all a lie and we should fend for ourselves. At times, I feel complete in my yearning for companionship, other times I feel weak for wanting something that seems to evade me with great tact. And at other times, I think I have just lost faith in it. The whole idea has become so foreign, so distant, like something long ago in the past that you once believed in but you grew out of it.

And so I think back to how much I used to want it, yearn for it, desire it. Maybe I still do but I just keep talking myself out of it or just distract myself with selfish interest. Either way, it is a dilemma. I want it but it seems to evade me and when it comes to me I run from it. What I want scares me the most. Maybe I am just too stubborn for wanting it my way. Maybe my way doesn't exist.

Other times I just can't figure or convince myself of the possibility. How do you connect with someone to that level. There are people who are constantly in relationships. I wonder how it is that they make that connection. I feel like I have made that deep and binding connection maybe once or twice, ever. And even then, the connection didn't last. So what am I to make of it? Who knows.

Maybe it is has just been so long since even the potential of this alleged connection has even arisen in my mind. It seems like too many winters have come and gone since the last time I even could put someone in that picture. I used to be so sure of it in my youth, and I spent desperate misguided hours trying to find it. Where did that longing go? Has it been destroyed by doubt? Has it been drowned out by modern thought?

"My memory no longer allows me the luxury of remembering such frivolous times" - Kristen Warwick

Some people tell me you just have to be this or that. They tell me what women really want and what will attract and sweep them off their feet. Yet sometimes I think we are all just animal instincts. It all comes down to some physical attraction. It's a sad fact of reality and looks matter more than we like to admit. Maybe it's a sign that I feel so totally uncomfortable around those crowds known as 'beautiful people'. Maybe it's just a crap shoot. You roll the dice and you just try your chances. Maybe love is just some trivial game of chance. And no one is ever the complete. There will always be someone who is more attractive, more successful, greater, taller, smarter.

But they tell you it will eventually work out, and you just put your faith in someone else's hope for yourself. They tell you to keep trying and just keep asking around. I see where they are coming from but I have to trivialize something so sacred as the idea of love and combine it with the law of average. But maybe that's what we will all end up in the end, average love. We are rarely get everything we want.

I don't mean to sound like a pessimist. I am really not trying to extinguish the flames some people have worked so hard to create. They have probably made sense of something that I still can not wrap my understanding around and make my own. Maybe that have suffered enough doubt to see through to the reward. Who knows. I am just trying to understand that's all. I am just asking questions. But they are questions to myself that I am trying my best to answer in my own time. Yet, I will keep asking friends who have seem to have found the needle in the haystack. They found someone that answered the question. I ask them how they knew it was that luminous intangible thing known as love. And they all say the something "I don't know, I just somehow knew". So I realize that no one can answer this question for me. So questions must suffice for now.

It still occupies my midnight thoughts and occasionally I trail off in thought from a lyric, story, or even a mere glimpse into my past when I was so sure of what was to come and more importantly who was to come.

Yet, just like my friend keen, I am completely infatuated with the idea. But that is all it is for now, an idea. Maybe one day, it will be more than just a midnight thought.

From that small corner of eternity,

Little Lion Man

Sunday, January 15, 2012

This town seems hardly worth the time.

Another weekend, another party. I am growing really tired of this town, maybe it's the scene, maybe it's the people, maybe it's just me. I guess it just depends on who I feel like blaming and what my conscious will let me get away with.

I never want to complain. I don't think like writing just for criticism. Yet, we all complain. Some of it is never vocal, yet my complaints too often escape past my teeth by manipulating me into thinking I am just speaking my mind. I have a good life, I really do. I consider myself more than blessed to have the family and friends that I do have. But I have my pet peeves and I know the places where I feel in my element and the ones where I feel completely out of place.

I went to some dessert party. It was in south Provo in a really ritzy neighborhood full of Provo all-stars, summer sales MVPs, and future pinnacle wives. I felt uncomfortable just walking into the place. Anyone who was above 5% body fat was looked at suspiciously. Every girl looked the same, every guy looked the same. I should have known better walking in wearing a plaid shirt and my moccasins. The place was way too crowded and the perfume and cologne made me feel like I was in Macys. We stayed for five minutes and then left. My friend tried to talk to a girl, she just looked at him and then walked away. Apparently we didn't have the 'it' factor, whatever it is.

"All the hours that you've been sitting at your vanity. May they carry you far from your misery" - Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley River Band

Provo. I like to call it the Mormon L.A. sometimes. It's eating away at me. I feel out of place more often than not. It's not that I wish to be involved in whatever other people are doing. I just wish for real conversation and real people, which is becoming harder to come across with each passing weekend. Yet, I feel stuck. I am so far into school here and all my friends are here, but they are all moving on to greener pastures of life. So am I, but I want out of here.

You know, I am beginning to wonder if everything that has been a waste. Maybe the ideal and whatever is good is dying with my generation. It seems like we have been so caught up scenes and fads and trying to establish our collective identity that the philosophy of being an individual has died out. Maybe I am just looking in the wrong places or maybe the vanity seeks me out. I can't tell. But I do feel like so much is wasted on my generation. So much is pinned on the clothes, the make up. We have been taught form very young ages to walk around with a mask on. Our generation is the first generation where it is weird to strike up a conversation with someone. We have to be facebook friends first or there has to be selfish interest. Rarely is there conversation just for the sake of good conversation and getting to know someone. It's all become about intentions, which are often misread and are even more often selfish.

Everyone keeps telling me I need to put myself out there, I need to talk to more people, more specifically girls. Every long lost friend will inevitably ask me about my love life. I tell them I date here and there. I try to talk to a girl when I see an opportunity. Truth is, the older I get the harder it is to find the connection, the spark, the 'it' factor. I see some people who are in love or at least confess to be and I can't comprehend it. Of all the people in the world, of all the little quirks and your preferences, not to mention being comfortable enough to share yourself, how did you two make the connection? What made this one different? Sometimes I wonder if I am just lost on the whole thing, will my over analytical mind ever let things take its course. Time will tell I guess.

But I do know where it will not be found. It won't be found in a scene, in some fashion, in a trend, in the masses. It will be found in a individual, who knows who she is and doesn't make excuses for it. Who in genuinely concerned for others well being as well as her own. Who has her own view and knows what she wants and sticks to it. She is going to be an individual, a complete individual.

And I will continue to try and stay true to who I am. And not get caught up in the fads, the parties, the people, the noise of the world.

Playin' the Harmonica,

Little Lion Man

The shins say it the best abstractly...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Another semester, more excuses.

Spring semester starts on Monday. Back to the grind. I am taking math 1010 again (I know, pathetic but true). I was going through all my old word docs on my comp, trying to get rid of all the papers I hope to never see again. Yet I came upon my favorite paper I ever wrote. It wasn't for some English class, it wasn't profound. However, I enjoyed writing it. Auto-biography you might think? No, it was a paper as to why my math assignments were late. I thought I would share it, just because I feel like laughing. Here it is. *Disclaimer* I wrote this in the fall of 2010 which explains the outdated sports references.

My excuses for Not Turning in my Test Corrections

It has been a tough go this semester for me. As I write this paper I hope you will laugh and cry with me as I tell you of the last few weeks of my life, telling of all the triumphs, failures and frustrations along the way. After all is said and done I hope you will graciously accept my reason as to why my test corrections were late and give me the credit you feel I deserve.

First off, can we just touch on how bad BYU football is this year? I don’t know if you are a BYU fan but I have been a BYU fan since conception. And in all of my 23 years and 9 months (counting time spent in my mother’s womb) I have never seen a BYU team that sucks as bad as this one. Our receivers can’t even catch the most elementary of passes. It is the equivelant of having an engineer that doesn’t know his multiplication tables. It’s pathetic. I think I can come up for a mathematical formula for why BYU sucks. Crappy receivers is represented by x and Robert Anae is y, with Harvey Unga being represented by z. The equation goes something like this: (-4x^3)+y(-z^2)=BYU’s terrible offense this year.

Then there is the Minnesota Twins. The Twins are my baseball team for two reasons. One is that my mom grew up in Minneapolis and my whole family roots for the Twins. The other is that the twins won the World Series in 1987, which also happens to be the year I was born. I was born in August and the Twins won the World Series that fall. Now, I am not saying that they won that year because of my grand entrance into this world, but it could have been a factor. It is a very controversial theory that ranks up there along with the Makaveli theory that suggests deceased rapper 2pac is still alive.

Well the Twins did great this year, clinching their division and having home field advantage in the playoffs. But the Yankees came in and man handled them as they have done over the last seven years. It was a traumatic experience to say the least. I am currently seeing a therapist on campus to help relieve my post traumatic stress symptoms from that loss.

There is the Jazz though, they are my whole numbers in a world full of non-simplified fractions. They had an awesome pre season but looked really rusty in their first two regular season games but sure enough they came through on the road against Oklahoma City. They did to Oklahoma what I did to the mid-term, they freaking stomped all over OKC and dominated the whole game, kind of like how I was kicking a** and taking names when I took the mid-term. I dominated that test hands down, putting in a brilliant performance that would have made the weekly top ten of sports center if they counted test performance. What I did to that test is what Cliff Lee did against the Yankees in game 3 of the American League Championship series. Overall, you have to admit that my performance on that test was simply brilliant.

I know that a lot of this has nothing to do with why my test corrections didn’t get turned in and in all honesty, I just forgot to do them. I have been too busy dominating mid terms and tests. I know you get the typical cliché excuses of “Oh, I thought it was extra credit.” Or “I didn’t know it was due today.” Or “Sorry Ms. Hill, but the Cowboys lost again this weekend putting them at 1-6 so I spent all of Sunday night drowning my sorrows with Jack Daniels.” I’m not that kind of guy.

In all seriousness though I have been working insane hours and doing school full time as well. I worked 80 hours in nine days late last month. With that on top of school, it has been hard to get around to all of my assignments. I do however feel I have been doing great in this class. If I had to convert my performance in this class into a batting average, I’d say I’m batting at a solid .435 right now. I have done every test review, done every assignment on mymathlab, and scored no lower than an 82 on my tests. This is my breakout season in my math career, putting up numbers that would shock most of my past math teachers. If there is a most improved player award given in this class, I seriously see myself getting the most first place votes. But I’m not in it for the attention or the glory; I do it for the love of the game. Simply put, there is nothing more pleasurable than dominating test after test, week in and week out. They say that these kinds of performances are what seperates competitors from champions; and I am here to prove I am a champion.

But I’m not going to shoot a hundred percent from the field, even during my breakout season. I’m sure Albert Einstein missed a test correction or two in his day, just like how Michael Jordan didn’t make every shot and how A-Rod got caught looking on the third strike that ended the Yankees season and sent the Rangers to the World Series. All super stars have come up short like I have with not turning in test corrections, but when my student number is retired and hangs from the rafters of the math department, people are going to remember the 99 I got on the mid-term, not the test corrections I forgot to turn in.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Sittin' by my lonesome in the light.

Finally back to life. It was good to spend a few days removed from everything and just relax and refuel for the next semester. Life sometimes is best left unattended for a while. Made a few resolutions and am starting to put one foot in front of another. Ambitious goals. Big plans, small expectations. I like the sound of that.

It felt good to come back to life after taking a break. I feel ready to take on challenges and eager to find and make opportunity. Yet, I find myself coming home to my thoughts. It will be nice to one day have someone to come home to, to have someone call home.

I have this corner of the earth that I can call my own. It is a small corner of a shared room on the second floor apartment building. This space is mine and mine alone. The walls are there to hear my thoughts and no one else's and I often stay up at night scribbling the incessant ponderings that set the landscape for the coming night's dreams and nightmares. In this corner I am my most kind supporter and my harshest critic, depending on the minute and what thought has taken place. I sit and stare and just wish sometimes that this ceiling will talk back.

I seem to keep coming back to this idea of home. I want it, I feel I have it at times, but I know it isn't complete yet. It can't be, there is only me in the picture. I come home at night to just this corner of the world. I come home to only my thoughts waiting for me. That's all I have for the moment. My thoughts.

And it suits me for now. It's not that I don't have a good life. I do. I don't want anyone else's life but my own. I am happy. Life is good. However, I don't ever want to be complacent. My life is good, I do believe it can be enriched though, refined.

And I know there have been many things that haven't worked out. I made my mistakes and continue to stumble in my humanity, but I hope I am at least stumbling forward.

Truth be told, the hopeless romantic I so many times repress and disregard gets the best of me when the quiet of the night is too significant to take. It comes when I come home to an empty apt, the roommates busy with life. It hits when I am reading a book and something profound rises from the page and I wish there was someone I could share this thought with, to discuss with, to internalize with. Maybe it hits the most when I come home after a long vacation and I am so excited to go home and see someone, the only problem is that I don't know who that someone is yet. All I know is the anticipation and excitement.

So goes hope. I hope for the complete picture that is missing from the night stand. One day I will come home to someone, or maybe my own family. The kids running around, I hope they will be excited for dad to be coming home from what seemed like the longest day at work. And I will go up and wrap my arms around my wife and ask how her day was. And then she will proceed to ask me to set the table, which I will do so gladly, because the highlight of my day will be sitting down and asking all the kids about their day. Then a little while after dinner the kids will go to bed and it will just be me and her. Maybe we will watch a favorite show or just talk. In our own little corner of the world, that is just ours and no one else's. You see I don't want some romance, I just want a complete life that's all

But for now, I am by my lonesome in the light and I am ok with that. The picture is a process and while some days it may not seem like it, it is slowly developing. So I continue to live my life to the fullest I know how and continue to make my own story. So when those dinner table discussions I can tell start it off by saying "Did I ever tell you the time your dad... "

At the dinner table,

The future of whoever I am supposed to be.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 - Feeling Ambitious

So it's finally here, 2012. The year the world is supposed to end. It's waited all of time to get here and it's finally here. And with all the resolutions and resolving going on, I think I am falling into the trend once again of planning for this next year to be the best. The year where the dreams become your reality and your troubles a distant dream. I do it every year, and every year I come up short some where. That being said, I do have big plans for this year. Here are a few things on the agenda just to give you an idea

  • Start my own business. Pretty ambitious right? Truth is I am sick of jumping around from menial jobs while I scrimp through school. And since I don't have the necessary degree and haven't meet the certain requirements to fully start the career I want yet, I am taking the reigns and going to start doing things differently, where I am more in control of my circumstances. And if I fail, at least I will know that I tried.
  • Live the healthiest life I know how. And I don't just mean putting in the hours in at the gym. I am talking complete and total health: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Over this last year I have realized that health isn't just a number on a scale or a picture. It's a state of being.
  • Be myself 100% of the time and not be embarrassed about it.
  • Push myself to find talents and refine the talents I think I have
  • Attend the temple once a week.
  • Try to have a better attitude about things that I don't currently have a good attitude about (cough*dating*cough)
  • Leave behind the past, live in present, and let the future come in it's own time.
  • Get back to Texas once, if not once then twice!
  • Road trip through the south and experience southern hospitality
  • Stand on the coast of the great Atlantic and the Pacific waters.
  • Watch the sun rise from above the valley floor.
  • Share my story
  • Expand myself
  • Pray daily
  • Read the good books.
  • Appreciate
  • Create
  • Love
  • Be loved
  • Practice the guitar and harmonica
  • Write a song
  • Not let fear control my decisions
  • Embrace change and opportunity
And finally, I will keep moving in spite of setback and temporary failures. I am just gonna try and give it a 110% all year. This year feels different, because I am not afraid to fail. I just want to give it all I have and see what happens.

2012. Big plans, big ambitions. 100 chances for failure? Or a 100 chances for success?
I am going to give it a shot just to find out.


Little Lion Man

Another great one...