Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 - Feeling Ambitious

So it's finally here, 2012. The year the world is supposed to end. It's waited all of time to get here and it's finally here. And with all the resolutions and resolving going on, I think I am falling into the trend once again of planning for this next year to be the best. The year where the dreams become your reality and your troubles a distant dream. I do it every year, and every year I come up short some where. That being said, I do have big plans for this year. Here are a few things on the agenda just to give you an idea

  • Start my own business. Pretty ambitious right? Truth is I am sick of jumping around from menial jobs while I scrimp through school. And since I don't have the necessary degree and haven't meet the certain requirements to fully start the career I want yet, I am taking the reigns and going to start doing things differently, where I am more in control of my circumstances. And if I fail, at least I will know that I tried.
  • Live the healthiest life I know how. And I don't just mean putting in the hours in at the gym. I am talking complete and total health: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Over this last year I have realized that health isn't just a number on a scale or a picture. It's a state of being.
  • Be myself 100% of the time and not be embarrassed about it.
  • Push myself to find talents and refine the talents I think I have
  • Attend the temple once a week.
  • Try to have a better attitude about things that I don't currently have a good attitude about (cough*dating*cough)
  • Leave behind the past, live in present, and let the future come in it's own time.
  • Get back to Texas once, if not once then twice!
  • Road trip through the south and experience southern hospitality
  • Stand on the coast of the great Atlantic and the Pacific waters.
  • Watch the sun rise from above the valley floor.
  • Share my story
  • Expand myself
  • Pray daily
  • Read the good books.
  • Appreciate
  • Create
  • Love
  • Be loved
  • Practice the guitar and harmonica
  • Write a song
  • Not let fear control my decisions
  • Embrace change and opportunity
And finally, I will keep moving in spite of setback and temporary failures. I am just gonna try and give it a 110% all year. This year feels different, because I am not afraid to fail. I just want to give it all I have and see what happens.

2012. Big plans, big ambitions. 100 chances for failure? Or a 100 chances for success?
I am going to give it a shot just to find out.


Little Lion Man

Another great one...


  1. This is great Aaron! So many of these are also on my list for 2012. I'm kind of afraid of 2012 because I feel like I'll have some big decisions to make (and the world will end! haha!), but I know it will be a good one. :)

  2. Thank you Gentri, let 2012 be the best year yet! Especially if it's going to be the last one haha!
